Minor damage to furniture can be repaired quickly and effectively with the right materials, a bit of elbow grease, and some careful attention to detail. Below are suggested treatments for some common types of damage. Before you widely apply a treatment, always test a small area first to see if it removes the stain without disturbing or damaging the finish. If you are unsure what to do, we suggest you call a professional refinisher.
Sticking Paper
Dampen the paper thoroughly with salad oil, wait five minutes, then rub along the grain with extra-fine (0000) steel wool. Wipe dry, then wax or polish.
Nail Polish
Blot the spill immediately, then rub with fine steel wool (0) dipped in wax. Wipe dry, then wax or polish.
Wax or Gum
Harden the substance by holding an ice cube wrapped in cloth against it, then use your fingernail or a plastic credit card to remove it. Rub the area with extra-fine (0000) steel wool dipped in mineral spirits. Wipe dry, then wax or polish.
Cigarette Burns (light)
Rub with scratch-concealing polish, or with a paste of linseed oil and rottenstone, working with the grain until the burn mark disappears.
Heat Marks
Rub gently along the grain, using a dry steel wool soap pad or a cloth dampened with camphorated oil or mineral spirits, or rub gently along the grain with extra-fine (0000) steel wool. Wipe dry, then wax or polish.
Paint Marks
If fresh, remove latex paint with water and oil-based paint with mineral spirits. If dry, soak spot in boiled linseed oil, wait until paint softens, then lift carefully with a putty knife or wipe with a cloth dampened with boiled linseed oil. Residue can be removed by rubbing along the grain with a paste of boiled linseed oil and rottenstone. Wipe dry, then wax or polish.
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