There are a few ways you can find related items on our website. The easiest way is when you are on a product-specific page. If that product is part of a larger collection, you will see a text link in the product description section that leads to a page with the complete collection. For example, on the product-specific page for the Harper Desk, under the “About this piece” copy, you will find a link that says “View Harper Collection”. When you click that link, it will take you to the page where you can view the entire Harper Collection.
Another way to find related items is to use the search tool. Click on the magnifying glass icon and then begin typing the collection name only (ex. Acadian, Lowry). As you type, a drop-down list will appear. If there are other products with that same name, up to 5 items will appear in the drop-down list. You can either choose one of those specific products or click “Search for...” at the bottom of the list to be taken to the page where you can view the entire collection.
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